LIML Gearing Up For Busy 2022

1 min read

Anticipating a busy 2022, LIML has taken steps to enhance its staff team and visibility across the energy industry.

Two new members of staff recently joined the LIML team. John Gilchrist has taken up the role of Inventory Assessor, while Les Sinclair has joined as Business Development Manager.

With industry projects and workscopes increasing in number and pace again post Covid-19, the company sees opportunities for growth in the months ahead.

In order to further support these growth plans, the company has engaged the services of Vivien Rae of Evoke Marketing, to help enhance the company's profile both online and offline.

Operations Director, Roddy Allan, commented, "The business has grown organically since launch, but we are now seeing an increase in clients requiring our services to support their inventory management requirements. The LIML staff team has significant knowledge and experience in the energy industry, with a good understanding of operators' requirements and well established networks across the board to enable us to offer superior support and services. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting time ahead for LIML in 2022 and beyond."