Recent Inventory Uplift

1 min read

LIML recently uplifted surplus inventory from three major clients, following the return of the items from offshore.

The inventory included a digital winch, flat pack sheds, temporary lighting units and 28 portable and 9 stationary gas detection units complete with charging units.

 After inspection by the LIML team, the items were considered to be in good order and reusable.

Prospective buyers have been identified for some of the items, which have been sent for their inspection.

All items are currently listed on our inventory pages available for sale.

This is an ideal example of how LIML operates for its numerous clients and customers, working to increase the reuse and repurposing of surplus inventory items.

LIML inspects and identifies clients' surplus inventory that may still have some reuse or resale value and can be recycled back into industry rather that going to scrap or landfill.

 This service is provided FOC and all sales are done on an “Open Book” basis, with sales income split an a pre-arranged agreement with the client.