Previous Projects

LIML has undertaken numerous inventory management and disposal programmes. We have arrangements with transport, warehouse, disposal and scrappage contractors throughout the UK. 

LIML's client base extends to Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, Pakistan, Thailand, as well as a large UK market.

A selection of our previous projects includes:

  • Removed all equipment from a client's warehouses at the cessation of production from one of its fields, in line with the key driver of a reduction in footprint. This included the transportation of items for recycling, temporary alternative storage prior to selling some equipment and the disposal of a part used umbilical – all at no cost to the client.

  • Worked with a client to assist in the reduction of footprint for storage and purchased various stock items and moved them to a LIML warehouse. Transport costs and warehouse costs were to our account. At our warehouse, we categorised the equipment and sold 100% of the items for reuse, with none sent to landfill. A split of the profit element was agreed with the client, carried out on an open book arrangement.

  • Provided expertise to a client for the disposal of a subsea cable stored on a German quayside. We assessed the most efficient and cost-effective method of disposal. The client handled the disposal directly based on this consultation, and LIML was paid for its consultancy service.

  • Managed the flushing and cleaning of an umbilical to an acceptable environmental standard and then its efficient and safe disposal.

  • Formed part of an offshore decommissioning project to manage the disposal works of recovered equipment, including preparation of the relevant documentation for inclusion in the overall decommissioning plan.

  • Purchased and then resold an entire Subsea Manifold and Control System on behalf of a client. The client 'inherited' the manifold and control system when they bought over a smaller operator and the field under consideration was never developed. The sale was done on an 'open book' basis and the proceeds were split via a previously agreed mechanism.

  • Involved in a decommissioning project that involved the recovery of recently deployed subsea mattresses. Disposal of the mattresses through normal channels (landfill) would have been both expensive and not environmentally friendly. We researched and identified an alternative use for the mattresses that were both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

  • Reviewed the entire stock holding in a client’s remote storage location and easily identified inventory that could no longer be used. This inventory was then uplifted by a local salvage partner with the proceeds going directly to the client.

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