
How We Can Help

Racking in Warehouse

Our team of personnel have vast experience in oil and gas project management, project engineering, cost and planning, and logistics, and have been involved with numerous inventory management and disposal programmes.

Having worked across oilfield projects, the LIML team knows and understands the oil and gas industry and the challenges which operators face.

Our experience has proven that no two clients encounter the same challenges – some may wish to reduce their storage footprint or cost, whilst others are working towards implementing the most recent warehouse management systems.

LIML is able to assist with all of these challenges and more.

What We Can Offer

LIML has forged good relationships with transport and haulage providers, buyers and recycling contractors in the UK and Europe.

In addition, we have an existing international customer base that is continually expanding.

We also have our own storage facilities, and rent additional storage space as required for projects. This enables us to remove inventory from client storage from client locations whilst buyers are identified, thus removing the storage cost to the client.

Using their vast industry oilfield knowledge and experience, the LIML team is able to identify valuable surplus oilfield equipment which can be moved on to specific buyers known to LIML, thus getting a better value at auction or as scrap.

Our Approach

In conjunction with our client, we help to assess the project drivers:

  • Reduction in storage footprint and associated cost
  • Maximise value
  • Maximise reuse and recycle
  • Minimise environmental impact
  • Priorities for each warehouse location (contract termination, high cost of storage)
  • Timescale for inventory disposal and expected flow of items
  • Management considerations for reputation
  • Considerations for release of equipment
  • Partner approval and concerns of value
  • Asset personnel resistance to release
  • Documentation not forthcoming – if available
  • Inventory does not match the listings
  • Transport and logistic costs
  • Manage expectations - percentage returns expectations

Ready to get started?

The team at LIML would be happy to discuss your requirements

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